

时间:周四14:30      地点:文泉北楼510德鲁克会议室
2023.04.27钱 程(硕士)马瑞婧Egocentric Processing: The Advantages of Person-Related Features in Consumers’Product Decisions
2023.05.11刘芝彤(硕士)刘新燕'The Upside of Negative: Social Distance in Online Reviews of Identity-Relevant Brands'
2023.05.25黄 鋈(硕士)王新刚The influence of hero and villain labels on the perception of vice and virtue products
2023.06.08尹雨乐(硕士)冉雅璇Get Your Science Out of Here: When Does Invoking Science in the Marketing of Consumer Products Backfire?
2023.06.22康 珏(硕士)刘晓峰Made by her vs him Gender influences in product preferences and the role of individual action efficacy in restoring social equalities