时间 | 地点 | 主办单位 | 主持人 | 主讲人 | 主题 |
2022.05.15 9:30-11:00 | 线下:文泉北307会议室 线上:ZOOM | 工商管理系 | 石军伟 教授 | 李海洋 教授 | Using Your Broken Part into My Art: Competitors' Failures and Firm Innovation |
2022.05.19 10:00-11:30 | 腾讯会议:873-629-479 | 运营与供应链管理系 | 邹碧攀 副教授 | 郭晓龙 副教授 | 零售平台代理模式下的捆绑策略研究 |
2022.05.21 19:00-21:00 | 腾讯会议 329-911-122 | 全国高校国际贸易学科协作组青年论坛秘书处 (红宝石最新线路手机版承办) | 符大海 副教授 (中央财经大学国际经济与贸易学院副教授、全国高校国际贸易学科协作组青年论坛秘书处副秘书长) | 马弘 教授 | Soybeans or Planes: Political Power of US Businesses and China's Trade Retaliation |
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李海洋教授简介 |
李海洋教授是美国莱斯大学(Rice University)琼斯商学院教授,战略&环境分部区域协调人(Area Coordinator of The Strategy & Environment Group)。他主要从事战略管理、创新管理领域的研究。李海洋教授的多篇研究成果发表在Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Marketing, Organization Science等国际顶级商学/管理学期刊上。李海洋教授也担任Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal等多个顶级学术期刊的编委。 |
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郭晓龙副教授简介 |
郭晓龙,中国科学技术大学副教授。主要研究方向为物流与供应链管理、服务运作管理、智慧物流管理。2014年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学管理科学与工程专业,获2015年度中科院优秀博士学位论文奖(并入选Springer Theses优秀博士学位论文丛书)。在Manufacturing & Service Operations Management、Production and Operations Management、European Journal of Operational Research、Annals of Tourism Research、Tourism Management、International Journal of Production Research、International Journal of Hospitality Management等学术期刊发表论文40余篇。多篇论文多次被Elsevier出版集团评选为TOP 25 Hottest Articles,研究成果曾获教育部自然科学一等奖、教育部人文社会科学一等奖、国家旅游局优秀研究成果奖、安徽省社会科学奖等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目/青年科学基金项目2项、参与基金委重大项目2项。在高等教育出版社出版《管理科学学术论文写作》教材一部。 |
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Using Your Broken Part into My Art: Competitors' Failures and Firm Innovation
In highly competitive markets, a firm's ability to attend to failures of its competitors can help the firm identify market opportunities and threats without the drawbacks of in-house experimentation. In this paper, we contribute to research on vicarious learning by examining how the characteristics of competitors' product failures in an industry may affect a firm's product innovation. We hypothesize that a firm is more likely to pursue product innovation when product failures in an industry are concentrated—vis-à-vis broadly dispersed—across competitors but is less likely to do so when the root causes of product failures are more heterogeneous. Leveraging a unique dataset on product recalls in the U.S. medical device industry between 2003 and 2020, we find strong support for our arguments. |
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在新一代信息技术和平台经济的支持下,“平台化”成为现代供应链的典型特征,平台供应链的构建和优化是国家重大战略之一,也是国家十四五规划和二〇三五年远景目标建议中的重要内容。本文研究了平台供应链结构下零售企业的最优捆绑销售策略。现有文献中关于捆绑销售策略的研究多集中关注传统供应链下的相关问题,本文将平台供应链的代理销售形式和多产品捆绑销售相结合。研究发现上游供应商会通过策略性地提高产品的零售价格来使得零售平台使用捆绑销售策略,这导致当零售平台的佣金比例处于居中的范围时,和不具有捆绑销售能力的情形对比,零售平台具有捆绑销售能力反而会利润降低。与此同时,供应商过高的零售价格会使得消费者剩余价值缩减,导致社会福利受损。因此,平台可以通过预先承诺不捆绑销售等方式来消除捆绑销售能力对于零售平台和消费者的负面作用,提高社会福利。本研究首次从理论上揭示了捆绑销售策略在零售平台运营中的“优势陷阱”,研究结论为以零售平台为主要成员的平台供应链管理带来新的管理启示。 |
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马弘教授简介 |
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Soybeans or Planes: Political Power of US Businesses and China's Trade Retaliation
This paper investigates whether the political influence of US corporations shapes China's retaliatory actions during the US-China trade war. Our theoretical model predicts that foreign firms operating in more concentrated sectors tend to face lower trade barriers because these firms can leverage their market power to influence trade policies in their host countries or countries with which they trade. Using China's retaliation measures as a testing ground for this prediction, we find that the sectors characterized by larger size dispersions of US firms are less affected by China's trade actions. We further show that membership in major lobby groups in China is also associated with lower tariffs on US products. |