陈传波副教授简介 |
陈传波,1975年12月生于湖北宜昌,毕业于华中农业大学经管学院,获管理学博士,博士毕业后在中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院任教至今,副教授。主持国家社科基金(06CJY036)与国家自然科学基金三项(71373271,71073164,70603031)。参与并在后期主持完成国家社科基金重大招标项目(05&ZD041)“城市化进程中的农民工问题”、“十五”国家科技攻关计划重点项目(2005BA909B)、欧盟第六轮框架计划项目(517657),以及世界银行、劳动和社会保障部、农业部等研究项目等。出版《中国小农户的风险及风险管理研究》等专著5部,在《管理世界》、《统计研究》等期刊发表论文30余篇。主要研究方向:新型城镇化、农民工市民化、微观计量 |
第一节 计量模型的本质 第二节 分布理论 第三节 估计量 第四节 内生性问题 第五节 内生性的来源 第六节 应对内生性1 第七节 应对内生性2 第八节 应对内生性3 第九节 回归的其他视角 第十节 大数据与机器学习 第十一节 stata 进阶应用 第十二节 论文研讨与答疑 |
孙琦教授简介 |
孙琦,上海财经大学商学院市场营销系教授,系主任。《营销科学学报》编委,中国高校市场学研究会理事。研究方向为企业营销战略与消费者决策的量化模型。在包括Management Science、Journal of Marketing、Journal of Marketing Research、《南开管理评论》、《管理工程学报》等在内的国内外高水平学术期刊上发表论文多篇。主持国家自然科学基金、教育部人文社科研究项目、上海市浦江人才计划等科研项目。 |
吴芳副教授简介 |
吴芳博士2010年从加拿大阿尔伯塔大学获得工商管理学博士学位后,加入上海财经大学商学院,现任市场营销系副教授。此前,吴芳博士还分别从阿尔伯塔大学和华中科技大学获得经济学硕士和学士学位。在上海财经大学商学院讲授市场营销建模(博士)、多元数据分析(博士)、国际营销(硕士)和市场营销管理(本科,MBA)等课程。学术领域主要包括消费者行为建模,市场结构分析和竞争决策等领域,主要擅长用计量经济学,贝叶斯等统计方法进行数据分析。目前多篇论文在国际权威学术刊物Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research,International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Health Economics, and Journal of Transport Economics and Policy发表,同时还有多篇论文在国际权威期刊Management Science 和Journal of Marketing在审。主持两项国家自然科学基金项目。 |
Different from celebratory awards such as the Nobels and Oscars that honor achievements, satiric awards are presented to “honor” under-performers with a dose of humor. This paper examines whether satiric awards have any substantial impact on award nominees beyond mocking them. After all, being mocked publicly for poor performance could incentivize people to take remedy actions. In the context of Hollywood movie industry, we study the effects of the annual Golden Raspberry Awards, which “honor the worst of cinematic under-achievements,” on the nominees’ movie participation and market performance. We employ the synthetic control method to construct comparable treatment and control groups for statistical inference. Our results show that, after being nominated, movie stars participated more often in R-rated movies, which have a greater chance of receiving critical acclaims than other movie types. They also became more likely to participate in movies with a lower production budget. In terms of market performance, the movies that the nominees participated received lower box office revenue and lower audience ratings than the movies they participated before the nomination. We also find these effects last over an extended time. This research provides novel insights on professional awards and useful implications for movie stars, studios, and award organizations. |
Numerous multi-billion dollar industries, such as technology and entertainment, profit from frequent introductions of new products of short lifecycle and thus short revenue windows. As marketing mix decisions for these products are predominantly made pre-release, it is imperative to identify the pre-release competitive market structure despite the abundance of challenges, such as lack of sales data and dynamic competition arising from frequent shifts in pre-announced release timing. Expanding the literature on market structure analysis that has focused on post-launch competition among mature products, this research introduces pre-release analysis of dynamic market structure among new products of short lifecycle. The analysis stems from individual utility framework while leveraging aggregate data more readily available pre-release, and captures contextual effects as competitive sets dynamically shift. Calibrated on movies (as new entertainment products), the analysis exhibits the entire evolutionary path and gradual distinction of each movie’s competitive position in the latent attribute space. It also reveals the key forces driving the competitive dynamics of entries and exits. A series of simulation exercises further shed light on the critical pre-launch competitive strategies, such as timing of pre-announcement and release. |