马瑞婧副教授简介 |
马瑞婧,红宝石最新线路手机版副教授,企业管理博士,硕士生导师。美国普渡大学访问学者,香港城市大学访问学者;中国高校市场学研究会理事,湖北省市场学会理事。研究方向为表情符号、绿色消费、消费者行为等领域,已在Journal of Business Research、《南开管理评论》等国内外期刊发表学术论文三十余篇。主持和参与各级课题十余项,出版专著《中国城市消费者绿色消费影响因素研究》(被收入中南财经政法大学青年学术文库)、《绿色营销》和《国际商务》;主编教材《销售管理》。 |
Smile or pity? Examine the impact of emoticon valence on customer satisfaction and purchase intention Emoticons are pictorial/textual depictions of facial expressions used in marketing communications. Little is known about how customers interpret positive or negative emoticons used by customer service employees in service failure contexts. We investigate the impact of emoticon type on customer satisfaction and re-purchasing intention, and examine the sequential mediating role of perceived sincerity and willingness to forgive. Results show that the use of a negative emoticon in a response leads to a higher level of customer satisfaction and repurchasing intention than responses with a positive emoticon. We further demonstrate that customers perceive that the presence of a negative emoticon in a response is more sincere and generates a higher level of forgiveness than those responses that use positive emoticons, but only when the communal relationship is salient in the customer’s mind. Our findings offer important theoretical and practical implications in service failure contexts. |