2018年经济贸易系文献分享会(秋季)将于9月26日晚7点正式拉开序幕。此后平均每两周分享一期,时间是周三或周四的19:00至22:00,地点位于文泉楼北510 德鲁克教室。本季文献分享会安排如下:
序号 | 日期 | 主讲人 | 主 题 |
1 | 9.26(三) | 陈清目 副教授 | [期刊论文] Arkolakis, C., Ramondo, N., Rodriguez-Clare, A., Yeaple, S., 2018. Innovation and Production in the Global Economy. American Economic Review, 108(8), 2128—2173. |
2 | 10.10(三) | 毛海涛 讲 师 | [研究成果] A General Equilibrium Model for Parallel Imports |
3 | 10.25(四) | 何祚宇 讲 师 | [研究成果] 价值链替代,成本加成与中美贸易战的福利估计--基于异质性企业视角 |
4 | 11.8(四) | 李敬子 副教授 | [期刊论文] Matsuyama, K., 2015. The Home Market Effect and Patterns of Trade Between Rich and Poor Countries. R&R at Econometrica. |
5 | 11.22(四) | 许 捷 讲 师 | [期刊论文] Berger, D., Easterly, W., Nunn, N., Satyanath, S., 2013. Commercial Imperialism? Political Influence and Trade during the Cold War. American Economic Review, 103(2), 863—896. |
6 | 12.6(四 | 赵 曜 副教授 | [期刊论文] Gaubert, C., Firm Sorting and Agglomeration. American Economic Review, forthcoming. |
7 | 12.20(四) | 刘 凯 讲 师 | [期刊论文] Knutsen, C. H., Kotsadam, A., Olsen, E. H., Wig, T., 2016. Mining and Local Corruption in Africa. American Journal of Political Science, 61(2), 320—334. |
8 | 1.3(四) | 闫文收 讲 师 | [研究成果] Trade Uncertainty and the Democratic Window of Opportunity |
9 | 1.10(四) | 胡宗彪 副教授 | [期刊论文] Young, A., 2014. Structural Transformation, the Mismeasurement of Productivity Growth, and the Cost Disease of Services. American Economic Review, 104(11), 3635—3667. |