主 题: | International Cultural Ambidexterity: Developing the Concept and Its Measurement |
主讲嘉宾: | Christiane Prange博士 |
时 间: | 2018年5月4日(周五)15:00—18:00 |
地 点: | 文波楼208 |
主办单位: | 文澜学院 & 红宝石最新线路手机版营销管理系 |
嘉宾简介: | Christiane Prange博士,现为同济大学工商管理系教授,主要研究国际战略、创新和国际化、应急管理等方向。曾先后就职于奥地利维也纳经济和红宝石最新线路手机版、法国里昂商学院等知名院校。近年来,已经在Journal of Word Business,Organizational Dynamics,Journal of Business Strategy,European Journal of Marketing,Strategic Change等国际知名期刊发表文章。 研究领域:国际战略、创新和国际化、应急管理 |
内容简介: | Research on cultural distance (CD) belongs to one of the most important topics in International Business research. However, recent criticism has shed light on the flaws inherent in conceptualization and measurement of the CD concept. In addition, existing research has not sufficiently addressed companies’simultaneous internationalization to different cultures. We elaborate on the notion of ambidexterity to reconcile tensions from entering into distant (high CD) and proximate (low CD) countries. Following scholars who recognized the versatility of the ambidexterity perspective, we apply the ambidexterity lens to the cultural aspect of internationalization while recognizing that culture only poses one among many elements in a broader decision-framework of internationalization. Our paper contributes to research on cultural distance by introducing the concept of International Cultural Ambidexterity (ICA) including both positive and negative CD effects and developing a novel ICA measure, which allows to empirically capture different ways firms create their portfolios of foreign locations, and to track their evolution. |