

分享嘉宾:周凌旭 博士
分享主题:Coding in qualitative research and the experience with Nvivo: demonstrated with the research on transient social capital in hitchhiking tourism
主持嘉宾:李莺莉 副教授
摘  要:Hitchhiking as a mode of slow tourism indicates the pursuit of existential authenticity. The occurrence of hitchhiking in traditionally conservative cultures showed the increasing popularity of this alternative tourism activity, which relies significantly on the act of kindness amongst strangers. In this article, the concept of transient social capital is used to capture the social interaction in the process of hitchhiking, which is bounded by the temporariness and territoriality of the activity. The experiences of Chinese hitchhiking tourists in the forms of online travel blogs were analyzed with a qualitative phenomenological approach. The hitchhiking tourists were non-institutionalized and dwelled on uncertainties and potential risks of being on the road. The findings identified the shared motivations, meaning, and emotional experiences among Chinese hitchhiking tourists. Hitchhiking showed the growing independence of Chinese youth tourists and the presence of transient social capital in the forms of shared norms, partnership, social trust and reciprocity.
时  间:4月26日(周四)11:00-12:00
地  点:文泉北楼四楼会议室