分享嘉宾: | 汤一鹏 博士 |
分享主题: | Comparisons Draw Us Close: The Influence of Leader-Member Exchange Social Comparison on Coworker Exchange and Affiliation 亲近是比出来的:领导成员交换比较对同事关系的影响 |
主持嘉宾: | 刘文兴 博士 |
摘 要: | A team is composed of a hierarchical complex of interpersonal relationships in which members are subordinate to a same leader and the leader forms differential relationships with the members (LMX). To evaluate their own standing in the team, members compare their own LMXs with their coworkers’ (LMX social comparison, LMXSC), which may impact the development of the relationships among the members. Drawing upon social comparison theory and social exchange theory, we examine the effect of perceived LMX dissimilarity in LMXSC, i.e., high and low LMXSC, on the interpersonal relationship between the two members in the comparison. We take into account both members’ LMXSCs and propose that when they both perceive a lower LMX than the other, their exchange relationship (CWX) improves, thereby increasing their interpersonal affiliation behavior. The results of two survey studies support our hypotheses. 团队是由人际关系所构成的一个复杂的层级网络。在这个层级结构中,多个员工下属于相同的领导,同时,这些员工与领导的关系又有亲疏之别。为了了解自己在团队层级中的位置,员工会去比较自己和同事在与领导关系亲疏上的差别。这种比较就叫领导成员交换比较(LMXSC)。这种比较对同事关系很可能会产生影响。因此,本研究用同事交换关系(coworker exchange relationship)和人际亲近行为(interpersonal affiliation behavior)作为同事关系的指标来分析领导成员交换比较对于同事关系的影响。基于社会比较理论和社会交换理论,我们认为只有当两位员工在比较中彼此评价对方与领导的关系比较好的时候,这两位员工才会形成较好的交换关系,进而做出更多的人际亲近行为。两次问卷调查的结果验证并支持了这个假设。 |
时 间: | 4月12日(周四)11:00-12:00 |
地 点: | 文泉北楼四楼会议室 |
参与方式: | 4月11日17:00之前通过微信/OA告知朱汉彬老师。欢迎各专业研究生参加。 |
文泉分享会,在分享中共创价值! |