经济贸易系Seminar 2018年第2期(总第58期):Estimating the Inequality in Welfare Gains from Trade between Entrepreneurs and Workers


主  题:Estimating the Inequality in Welfare Gains from Trade between Entrepreneurs and Workers
主讲嘉宾:CHEN, Ching-mu 博士
主 持 人:吴英娜 副教授
时  间:2018年1月11日(周四) 15:00-17:00
地  点:文泉北楼510德鲁克教室
嘉宾简介:CHEN, Ching-mu(陈清目)日本东北大学博士后,已在Journal of Economic Geography,International Journal of Economic Theory,European Planning Studies等SSCI来源期刊发表论文多篇。
内容简介:This study quanties the uneven welfare gains from trade between ntrepreneurs and workers in a multi-country structural model with firm heterogeneity, occupation selection, and Diamond-Mortensen-issarides-type search-matching labor market frictions. Theoretically, we find that countries with lower domestic expenditure shares of tradable goods display greater gaps in welfare gains from trade between entrepreneurs and workers. Taking the model to data, we illustrate the application of the method by calculating the respective average welfare gains (compared to autarky) of entrepreneurs and of workers for 14 countries, including the G7, the BRICs, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. Among them, Singapore has lower domestic expenditure shares of tradable goods and shows dramatically large gap in welfare gains between these two occupations. Taking 2006 as an example, the gap in welfare gains in Singapore reached 188:75%, while the same measure in the United States was only 18:26%.