经济贸易系Seminar 2017年第21期(总第50期):Elastic Labor Supply, Variable Markups, and Spatial Inequalities


主  题:Elastic Labor Supply, Variable Markups, and Spatial Inequalities
主讲嘉宾:曾道智 教授
主 持 人:毛海涛 博士
时  间:2017年12月5日(周二) 9:00-11:00
地  点:文泉楼北楼510德鲁克会议室
嘉宾简介:曾道智,国际知名空间经济学研究专家,日本东北大学教授,在国际一流学术期刊Economic Theory, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Regional Science, Papers in Regional Science,  The Annals of Regional Science, Regional Science and Urban Economics等发表论文60余篇,在国际学术界引起广泛关注,是一位在国际经济学界有重要影响的华人经济学家。
内容简介:Assuming an inelastic labor supply, existing studies on spatial inequalities across countries show that a larger country has the advantages of a higher wage rate and a higher individual income. This paper reexamines these results by use of a model with an endogenous labor supply and variable markups. We find that both advantages can be reversed. Specifically, if the love for variety is strong and trade costs are high, the wage rate is lower but the individual income is higher in the larger country. However, if the love for variety is weak and trade costs are low, the wage rate is higher but the individual income may be lower in the larger country.