营销学术专题系列讲座——英国华威大学 胡岩松教授


演讲主题1Research seminar on Nonmonotonic Status Effects in New Product Adoption(详情见后)

演讲主题2Teaching seminar on Marketing through Social media(详情见后)


人:英国华威大学商学院(Warwick business school, University of Warwick 胡岩松 教授


胡岩松博士目前担任英国华威大学商学院(Warwick business school, University of Warwick)市场营销学系的副教授和博士生导师,终身教授职位tenure,并担任市场营销学系博士生招生负责人。

胡教授的研究领域包括市场网络与创新, 新产品的研究和开发.已在世界顶级学术刊物,包括Marketing ScienceTechnovation等发表多篇论文,多项研究成果在各类国际会议上获奖, 如美国市场营销科学年会优秀论文奖美国市场营销教育研究年会优秀论文奖等。


Research seminar on Nonmonotonic Status Effects in New Product Adoption

(joint work with Christophe Van den Bulte)

We investigate how the tendency to adopt a new product independently of social influence, the recipients’ susceptibility to such influence, and the sources’ strength of influence vary with social status. Leveraginginsights from social psychology and sociology about middle-status anxiety and conformity, we propose that forproducts that potential adopters expect to boost their status, both the tendency to adopt independently fromothers and the susceptibility to contagion is higher for middle-status than for low- and high-status customers.

Applying a nested case-control design to the adoption of commercial kits used in genetic engineering, we findevidence that status affects (i) how early or late one adopts regardless of social influence, (ii) how susceptible oneis to such influence operating through social ties, and (iii) how influential one’s own behavior is in triggeringadoption by others. The inverse-U patterns in (i) and (ii) are consistent with middle-status anxiety and conformity.The findings have implications for how to use status to better understand adoption and contagion mechanisms,and for targeting customers when launching new products.

Teaching seminar on Marketing through Social media

Social media is a fast-growing, ever-evolving and innovative space that, despite its increasing ubiquity, is not well understood from a strategic marketing perspective. According to data compiled by Qmee, over 5 million videos are viewed on YouTube, 67K photos are uploaded to Instagram, and 293K statuses are updated on Facebook in 60 seconds online. In this age of social media, how has marketing strategy, and marketing communications changed? And how do social media fit in to a companys traditional Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy? This seminar will discuss some of these issues and look at the current consumer landscape and the strategic opportunities (and challenges) that it affords marketers who are concerned with how to efficiently and effectively communicate about their brands with their target markets. We will discuss social media channels from a strategic marketing perspective.