主 题:Ownership and R&D Intensity in Foreign Affiliates under Incomplete Capital Market
主 讲 人:武幼辉 博士候选人
主 持 人:钱学锋 教授
时 间:2015年1月12日(周一)10:00
地 点:文泉楼德鲁克之窗
武幼辉,男,Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA.
Paper Abstracts:
The multinational firms can set foreign affiliates in the host country either with joint ownership or with full control. While joint venture is a dominated strategy in the property rights theory of firm, this paper argue that it can be optimal in the presence of contractual frictions and financial frictions. I build a model under incomplete contracts and show that, when capital market is complete, joint venture is strictly dominated by outsourcing if the contractual costs exist but are low. In the presence of financial frictions, however, the local suppliers will be the most financially vulnerable to credit constraints under outsourcing and may not be able to compensate the multinational firms with enough cash ex ante. In this case, outsourcing is dominated by joint venture when financial frictions are sufficiently high. In addition, compared with vertical integration, joint venture has more incentive for the local supplier to invest, yet it is also more vulnerable to financial frictions. Since the non-contractible investment is R&D intensive, this model implies that joint ventures are more R&D intensive than wholly foreign-owned enterprises and this result will be reinforced in financially more vulnerable industries. In addition, with the improvement of the capital market, the share of joint ventures in foreign affiliates is likely to decrease and should decrease greater in financially more vulnerable industries. These theoretical results are confirmed by empirical tests on the data of Chinese foreign affiliates.