专题讲座: 战略、创业与创新管理:如何做一流的研究成果与发表
Lecture: Strategic, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management: Doing the Top Research and Publication
主讲人: 李海洋教授 (Rice University,USA)
Speaker: Prof. Haiyang Li
Affiliation: Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University
Time:14:30-16:30, Monday, April 8
Location:Meeting Room at 4th Floor , Wenquan North Building
李海洋教授简介: 李教授是美国莱斯大学Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management的终身教授,同时也是中国上海中欧国际红宝石最新线路手机版的访问教授。他的研究兴趣集中在技术创业与创新(尤其是中国转型情境中的研究)、战略联盟与跨国公司在新兴市场中的创新、以及中国高科技园区的成长等领域。
李教授的研究成果已经在国际顶级刊物Academy of Management Journal(已有2篇), Strategic Management Journal(已有至少5篇), Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Marketing, Organization Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Management and Organization Review, Journal of High Technology Management Research, Journal of International Marketing, International Business Review等发表。.
您可以在http://business.rice.edu/OnlineDirectory/PersonnelDetail.aspx?id=3344 获得李海洋教授的详细详细信息。
Short BIO of Prof. Haiyang Li,
Dr. Haiyang Li is associate professor of strategic management and innovation at the Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University. He earned a Bachelor and a Master in economics from Renmin (People’s) University of China and received a Ph.D. from City University of Hong Kong. Before joining Rice University, he was on the faculty of Department of Management at Texas A&M University.
Dr. Li’s research interests focus on technology entrepreneurship and innovation (particularly in China’s transition economy), strategic alliances and multinational firms’ innovation in emerging markets, as well as the growth of Chinas high tech science parks. His articles on the above issues have appeared in Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Marketing, Organization Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Management and Organization Review, Journal of High Technology Management Research, Journal of International Marketing, International Business Review, and others. His paper entitled “The effects of control systems on salesperson trust in the sales manager: a contingency model and empirical test in the context of new product launch” (co-authored with Kwaku Atuahene-Gima) won the Best Paper Award in the Sales SIG track of the 2001 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference.
Dr. Li has served on the editorial review boards of multiple journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of High Technology Management Research, International Journal of Emerging Markets, and Multinational Business Review. He is a keen supporter of the profession through his membership of several professional associations including Academy of Management (AOM), Strategic Management Society (SMS), Academy of International Business (AIB), International Association of Chinese Management Association (PDMA).